To improve Snapp's usability for parents with children
Initially, I contemplated whom I should design, and upon further consideration, I divided the target audience, parents with children, into several categories based on their child's age and specific needs. Through meticulous research and investigation, I was able to effectively classify these individuals into four distinct groups.

Due to my increased accessibility to parents with an infant aged 0 to 3 in my vicinity, I decided to investigate and identify the specific challenges and needs of this particular group of users. I invested ample time in conducting thorough research to locate existing products tailored to their needs and also conducted telephonic interviews with five individuals in my local community.

Benchmarking similar products is a critical step in improving UX design by identifying best practices and setting performance standards to meet or exceed.
Upon becoming aware of several user needs during the persona preparation phase and generating some ideas, I began a more focused search for comparable domestic and international products to determine if these requirements had been satisfactorily met. I also perused reviews on social media platforms such as Snapp and Tapsi, and engaged in conversations with several Snapp drivers to gain deeper insight into their needs and opinions regarding solutions for these issues.

For this group of users to fully benefit from the Snapp application, it is necessary to add a new service that provides trained drivers and child car seats to users. This service is called "UberX Car Seat" in some cities where it is available on the Uber application, and also offered by the Cabify application in Spain under the name "Kids".